The function is able to calculate the proportion of variance accounted for (\(PVAF\)) for all items
after fitting CDM
or directly.
get.PVAF(Y = NULL, Q = NULL, CDM.obj = NULL, model = "GDINA")
A required \(N\) × \(I\) matrix or data.frame
consisting of the responses of N
to \(N\) × \(I\) items. Missing values need to be coded as NA
A required binary \(I\) × \(K\) matrix containing the attributes not required or required
master the items. The i
th row of the matrix is a binary indicator vector indicating which
attributes are not required (coded by 0) and which attributes are required (coded by 1) to master
item \(i\).
An object of class CDM.obj
. Can can be NULL
, but when it is not NULL
, it enables
rapid verification of the Q-matrix without the need for parameter estimation.
@seealso CDM
Type of model to be fitted; can be "GDINA"
, "LCDM"
, "DINA"
, "DINO"
, "LLM"
, or "rRUM"
. Default = "GDINA"
An object of class matrix
, which consisted of \(PVAF\) for each item and each possible q-vector.
The intrinsic essence of the GDI index (as denoted by \(\zeta_{2}\)) is the weighted variance of all \(2^{K\ast}\) attribute mastery patterns' probabilities of correctly responding to item \(i\), which can be computed as: $$ \zeta^2 = \sum_{l=1}^{2^K} \pi_{l}{(P(X_{pi}=1|\boldsymbol{\alpha}_{l}) - \bar{P}_{i})}^2 $$ where \(\pi_{l}\) represents the prior probability of mastery pattern \(l\); \(\bar{P}_{i}=\sum_{k=1}^{2^K}\pi_{l}P(X_{pi}=1|\boldsymbol{\alpha}_{l})\) is the weighted average of the correct response probabilities across all attribute mastery patterns. When the q-vector is correctly specified, the calculated \(\zeta^2\) should be maximized, indicating the maximum discrimination of the item.
Theoretically, \(\zeta^{2}\) is larger when \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i}\) is either specified correctly or over-specified, unlike when \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i}\) is under-specified, and that when \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i}\) is over-specified, \(\zeta^{2}\) is larger than but close to the value of \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i}\) when specified correctly. The value of \(\zeta^{2}\) continues to increase slightly as the number of over-specified attributes increases, until \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i}\) becomes \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i1:K}\) (\(\boldsymbol{q}_{i1:K}\) = [11...1]). Thus, \(\zeta^{2} / \zeta_{max}^{2}\) is computed to indicate the proportion of variance accounted for by \(\boldsymbol{q}_{i}\), called the \(PVAF\).
de la Torre, J., & Chiu, C. Y. (2016). A General Method of Empirical Q-matrix Validation. Psychometrika, 81(2), 253-273. DOI: 10.1007/s11336-015-9467-8.
## generate Q-matrix and data
K <- 3
I <- 20
example.Q <- sim.Q(K, I)
IQ <- list(
P0 = runif(I, 0.0, 0.2),
P1 = runif(I, 0.8, 1.0)
) <- = example.Q, N = 500, IQ = IQ, model = "GDINA", distribute = "horder")
#> distribute = horder
#> model = GDINA
#> number of attributes: 3
#> number of items: 20
#> num of examinees: 500
#> average of P0 = 0.083
#> average of P1 = 0.894
#> theta_mean = -0.055 , theta_sd = 0.996
#> a = 1.5 1.5 1.5
#> b = -1.5 1.5 0
## calculate PVAF directly
PVAF <-get.PVAF(Y =$dat, Q = example.Q)
Iter = 1 Max. abs. change = 0.57951 Deviance = 10238.69
Iter = 2 Max. abs. change = 0.09509 Deviance = 8501.84
Iter = 3 Max. abs. change = 0.03995 Deviance = 8478.24
Iter = 4 Max. abs. change = 0.01792 Deviance = 8477.13
Iter = 5 Max. abs. change = 0.02604 Deviance = 8477.02
Iter = 6 Max. abs. change = 0.01142 Deviance = 8476.97
Iter = 7 Max. abs. change = 0.01740 Deviance = 8476.96
Iter = 8 Max. abs. change = 0.00686 Deviance = 8476.95
Iter = 9 Max. abs. change = 0.00466 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 10 Max. abs. change = 0.00253 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 11 Max. abs. change = 0.00030 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 12 Max. abs. change = 0.00014 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 13 Max. abs. change = 0.00016 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 14 Max. abs. change = 0.00760 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 15 Max. abs. change = 0.00246 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 16 Max. abs. change = 0.00502 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 17 Max. abs. change = 0.00017 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 18 Max. abs. change = 0.00109 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 19 Max. abs. change = 0.00004 Deviance = 8476.94
#> 000 100 010 001 110 101 011
#> item 1 0 0.05200795 0.97617096 0.18597232 0.9803500 0.23900194 0.99588964
#> item 2 0 0.86258484 0.03768251 0.31301239 0.8673840 0.98691938 0.32148058
#> item 3 0 0.23538077 0.12153176 0.87250475 0.3079287 0.97444297 0.88197677
#> item 4 0 0.05118012 0.09645730 0.99942917 0.1444455 0.99976305 0.99954847
#> item 5 0 0.61967444 0.04634396 0.40114822 0.6340752 0.99292783 0.40218598
#> item 6 0 0.05150476 0.08521455 0.99863037 0.1404493 0.99872632 0.99889345
#> item 7 0 0.04302786 0.07413417 0.99720362 0.1172823 0.99794531 0.99857592
#> item 8 0 0.02645312 0.99707114 0.10788852 0.9975597 0.14388347 0.99828838
#> item 9 0 0.04978628 0.10729370 0.99870662 0.1541773 0.99928813 0.99944277
#> item 10 0 0.11329586 0.60987495 0.38267482 0.7404274 0.44888226 0.96862539
#> item 11 0 0.16252795 0.78512355 0.24785470 0.9700515 0.34201830 0.88499107
#> item 12 0 0.08412574 0.52565713 0.68491774 0.6140911 0.70190926 0.99303516
#> item 13 0 0.99543822 0.02468354 0.04060490 0.9970518 0.99778609 0.06769133
#> item 14 0 0.04892994 0.07984576 0.99743751 0.1302842 0.99788185 0.99867379
#> item 15 0 0.99641298 0.02098946 0.06173904 0.9971472 0.99679660 0.07085647
#> item 16 0 0.04307850 0.80827365 0.20902293 0.8605611 0.23803789 0.99502425
#> item 17 0 0.11898439 0.80125584 0.25400368 0.9206240 0.31229694 0.93674309
#> item 18 0 0.19312807 0.09111948 0.91186601 0.2681952 0.97890622 0.92431327
#> item 19 0 0.01166348 0.99302358 0.07554560 0.9972778 0.09136379 0.99406882
#> item 20 0 0.26878163 0.73646434 0.22459899 0.9125336 0.41706919 0.79645483
#> 111
#> item 1 1
#> item 2 1
#> item 3 1
#> item 4 1
#> item 5 1
#> item 6 1
#> item 7 1
#> item 8 1
#> item 9 1
#> item 10 1
#> item 11 1
#> item 12 1
#> item 13 1
#> item 14 1
#> item 15 1
#> item 16 1
#> item 17 1
#> item 18 1
#> item 19 1
#> item 20 1
## calculate PVAF after fitting CDM
example.CDM.obj <- CDM($dat, example.Q, model="GDINA")
Iter = 1 Max. abs. change = 0.57951 Deviance = 10238.69
Iter = 2 Max. abs. change = 0.09509 Deviance = 8501.84
Iter = 3 Max. abs. change = 0.03995 Deviance = 8478.24
Iter = 4 Max. abs. change = 0.01792 Deviance = 8477.13
Iter = 5 Max. abs. change = 0.02604 Deviance = 8477.02
Iter = 6 Max. abs. change = 0.01142 Deviance = 8476.97
Iter = 7 Max. abs. change = 0.01740 Deviance = 8476.96
Iter = 8 Max. abs. change = 0.00686 Deviance = 8476.95
Iter = 9 Max. abs. change = 0.00466 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 10 Max. abs. change = 0.00253 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 11 Max. abs. change = 0.00030 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 12 Max. abs. change = 0.00014 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 13 Max. abs. change = 0.00016 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 14 Max. abs. change = 0.00760 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 15 Max. abs. change = 0.00246 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 16 Max. abs. change = 0.00502 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 17 Max. abs. change = 0.00017 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 18 Max. abs. change = 0.00109 Deviance = 8476.94
Iter = 19 Max. abs. change = 0.00004 Deviance = 8476.94
PVAF <-get.PVAF(CDM.obj = example.CDM.obj)
#> 000 100 010 001 110 101 011
#> item 1 0 0.05200795 0.97617096 0.18597232 0.9803500 0.23900194 0.99588964
#> item 2 0 0.86258484 0.03768251 0.31301239 0.8673840 0.98691938 0.32148058
#> item 3 0 0.23538077 0.12153176 0.87250475 0.3079287 0.97444297 0.88197677
#> item 4 0 0.05118012 0.09645730 0.99942917 0.1444455 0.99976305 0.99954847
#> item 5 0 0.61967444 0.04634396 0.40114822 0.6340752 0.99292783 0.40218598
#> item 6 0 0.05150476 0.08521455 0.99863037 0.1404493 0.99872632 0.99889345
#> item 7 0 0.04302786 0.07413417 0.99720362 0.1172823 0.99794531 0.99857592
#> item 8 0 0.02645312 0.99707114 0.10788852 0.9975597 0.14388347 0.99828838
#> item 9 0 0.04978628 0.10729370 0.99870662 0.1541773 0.99928813 0.99944277
#> item 10 0 0.11329586 0.60987495 0.38267482 0.7404274 0.44888226 0.96862539
#> item 11 0 0.16252795 0.78512355 0.24785470 0.9700515 0.34201830 0.88499107
#> item 12 0 0.08412574 0.52565713 0.68491774 0.6140911 0.70190926 0.99303516
#> item 13 0 0.99543822 0.02468354 0.04060490 0.9970518 0.99778609 0.06769133
#> item 14 0 0.04892994 0.07984576 0.99743751 0.1302842 0.99788185 0.99867379
#> item 15 0 0.99641298 0.02098946 0.06173904 0.9971472 0.99679660 0.07085647
#> item 16 0 0.04307850 0.80827365 0.20902293 0.8605611 0.23803789 0.99502425
#> item 17 0 0.11898439 0.80125584 0.25400368 0.9206240 0.31229694 0.93674309
#> item 18 0 0.19312807 0.09111948 0.91186601 0.2681952 0.97890622 0.92431327
#> item 19 0 0.01166348 0.99302358 0.07554560 0.9972778 0.09136379 0.99406882
#> item 20 0 0.26878163 0.73646434 0.22459899 0.9125336 0.41706919 0.79645483
#> 111
#> item 1 1
#> item 2 1
#> item 3 1
#> item 4 1
#> item 5 1
#> item 6 1
#> item 7 1
#> item 8 1
#> item 9 1
#> item 10 1
#> item 11 1
#> item 12 1
#> item 13 1
#> item 14 1
#> item 15 1
#> item 16 1
#> item 17 1
#> item 18 1
#> item 19 1
#> item 20 1