• Added - Separately provided beta metrics.
  • Added - Appropriate S3 methods have been provided for the CDM, simData and validation classes defined in the package to offer better interaction for users.
  • Change - Optimized the efficiency of all the code, making it more in line with the characteristics of the R language.
  • Change - The usage of the validation function has been changed when not using the iterative process.
  • Fixed - Resolved the issue occurring when method = 'Wald'.
  • Fixed - Resolved the issue occurring when method = 'beta'.
  • Fixed - Modified the manual description.
  • Added - A search algorithm for ‘test.att’ has been added for GDI, Hull, and beta.
  • Added - Added the URL of the online manual to the DESCRIPTION field.
  • Added - A new Q-matrix validation method, the beta (β) method, has been added.
  • Added - Wald now includes the SSA search method and the item.level iteration level.
  • Added - Added a PVAF cut-off point for GDI predicted by logistic regression (Najera et al., 2019).
  • Changed - Some of the important code is rewritten in C++ to accelerate the Q-matrix validation.
  • Fixed - Resolved the issue occurring when iter.level = 'item'.
  • Added - Provided a more comprehensive manual description for the validation function.
  • Added - Provided a more comprehensive manual description for the sim.Q function.
  • Added - Added a function get.Rmatrix for calculating the restriction matrix.
  • Added - Added a function get.priority for calculating the priority of attribute.
  • Added - Added a flexible function Wald.test for calculating the Wald test.
  • Added - Added SSA search for the Hull method.
  • Added - Added the plotting function plot.Hull for the Hull plot.
  • Changed - Rewrote the Wald method with the following updates: 1. If the search method is stepwise or forward, it will call the Qval function from the GDINA package. 2. If the search method is PAA, the search will follow the PAA. 3. The information matrix used is the full information matrix, implemented by the internal function inverse_crossprod from the GDINA package.
  • Changed - Renamed the functions getQRR, getVRR, getTPR, getTNR, getUSR, and getOSR to zQRR, zVRR, zTPR, zTNR, zUSR, and zOSR, respectively.
  • Fixed - Corrected the manual description for the validation function.
  • Fixed - Corrected the manual description for the validation function.
  • Fixed - Corrected the manual description for the validation function.
  • Initial release