• Fixed - The function, originally dependent on the R package ParamHelpers, has been rewritten based on version 1.14.1 to support the FF function and no longer depends on the R package ParamHelpers.
  • Fixed - The function EFAsim.data no longer requires the parameter seed.
  • Added - A new function check_python_libraries has been provided to help users check if the Python libraries numpy and onnxruntime are missing, and users can easily install them using this function when they are not present.
  • Fixed - Corrected the error in Hull.
  • Added - Added the URL of the online manual to the DESCRIPTION field.
  • Added - Added factor analysis eigenvalues for EFAscreet, Hull, and KGC.
  • Fixed - Corrected the erroneous DESCRIPTION.
  • Fixed - Corrected the error in the Hull plot.
  • Fixed - Corrected the calculation method for reference eigenvalues in factor analysis based PA.
  • Initial release.