Calculate true-negative rate (TNR)
zTNR(Q.true, Q.orig, Q.sug)
A numeric (TNR index).
TNR is defined as the proportion of correct elements which are correctly retained:
TNR = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{I}\sum_{k=1}^{K}I(q_{ik}^{t} = q_{ik}^{s} | q_{ik}^{t} \neq q_{ik}^{o})}
{\sum_{i=1}^{I}\sum_{k=1}^{K}I(q_{ik}^{t} \neq q_{ik}^{o})}
where \(q_{ik}^{t}\) denotes the \(k\)th attribute of item \(i\) in the true Q-matrix (Q.true
\(q_{ik}^{o}\) denotes \(k\)th attribute of item \(i\) in the original Q-matrix(Q.orig
\(q_{ik}^{s}\) denotes \(k\)th attribute of item \(i\) in the suggested Q-matrix(Q.sug
and \(I(\cdot)\) is the indicator function.
example.Q1 <- sim.Q(5, 30)
example.Q2 <- sim.MQ(example.Q1, 0.1)
#> rate of mis-specifications = 0.1
#> rate of over-specifications = 0.07
#> rate of under-specifications = 0.03
example.Q3 <- sim.MQ(example.Q1, 0.05)
#> rate of mis-specifications = 0.05
#> rate of over-specifications = 0.03
#> rate of under-specifications = 0.01
TNR <- zTNR(example.Q1, example.Q2, example.Q3)
#> [1] 1