Calculate relative fit indices (-2LL, AIC, BIC, CAIC, SABIC) and absolute fit indices (\(M_2\) test, \(RMSEA_2\), SRMSR) using the modelfit function in the GDINA package.

fit(Y, Q, model = "GDINA")



A required \(N\) × \(I\) matrix or data.frame consisting of the responses of N individuals to \(N\) × \(I\) items. Missing values need to be coded as NA.


A required binary \(I\) × \(K\) matrix containing the attributes not required or required master the items. The ith row of the matrix is a binary indicator vector indicating which attributes are not required (coded by 0) and which attributes are required (coded by 1) to master item \(i\).


Type of model to be fitted; can be "GDINA", "LCDM", "DINA", "DINO", "ACDM", "LLM", or "rRUM". Default = "GDINA".


An object of class list. The list contains various fit indices:


The number of parameters.


The Deviance.


The Akaike information criterion.


The Bayesian information criterion.


The consistent Akaike information criterion.


The Sample-size Adjusted BIC.


A vector consisting of \(M_2\) statistic, degrees of freedom, significance level, and \(RMSEA_2\) (Liu, Tian, & Xin, 2016).


The standardized root mean squared residual (SRMSR; Ravand & Robitzsch, 2018).


Khaldi, R., Chiheb, R., & Afa, A.E. (2018). Feed-forward and Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting: Comparative Study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning and Optimization Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LOPAL 18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 18, 1–6. DOI: 10.1145/3230905.3230946.

Liu, Y., Tian, W., & Xin, T. (2016). An application of M2 statistic to evaluate the fit of cognitive diagnostic models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 41, 3–26. DOI: 10.3102/1076998615621293.

Ravand, H., & Robitzsch, A. (2018). Cognitive diagnostic model of best choice: a study of reading comprehension. Educational Psychology, 38, 1255–1277. DOI: 10.1080/01443410.2018.1489524.


Haijiang Qin <>




## generate Q-matrix and data to fit
K <- 5
I <- 30
example.Q <- sim.Q(K, I)
IQ <- list(
  P0 = runif(I, 0.0, 0.2),
  P1 = runif(I, 0.8, 1.0)
) <- = example.Q, N = 500, IQ = IQ, model = "GDINA", distribute = "horder")
#> distribute =  horder 
#>  model =  GDINA 
#>  number of attributes:  5 
#>  number of items:  30 
#>  num of examinees:  500 
#>  average of P0 =  0.102 
#>  average of P1 =  0.905 
#> theta_mean =  -0.064 , theta_sd = 0.994 
#>  a =  1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 
#>  b =  0 -0.75 -1.5 1.5 0.75 

## calculate fit indices
fit.indices <- fit(Y =$dat, Q = example.Q, model = "GDINA")
Iter = 1  Max. abs. change = 0.47924  Deviance  = 15962.63                                                                                  
Iter = 2  Max. abs. change = 0.13841  Deviance  = 13443.96                                                                                  
Iter = 3  Max. abs. change = 0.07686  Deviance  = 13314.35                                                                                  
Iter = 4  Max. abs. change = 0.03944  Deviance  = 13292.46                                                                                  
Iter = 5  Max. abs. change = 0.02354  Deviance  = 13286.48                                                                                  
Iter = 6  Max. abs. change = 0.02056  Deviance  = 13283.80                                                                                  
Iter = 7  Max. abs. change = 0.01822  Deviance  = 13282.25                                                                                  
Iter = 8  Max. abs. change = 0.01478  Deviance  = 13281.32                                                                                  
Iter = 9  Max. abs. change = 0.01097  Deviance  = 13280.79                                                                                  
Iter = 10  Max. abs. change = 0.00756  Deviance  = 13280.47                                                                                  
Iter = 11  Max. abs. change = 0.00494  Deviance  = 13280.26                                                                                  
Iter = 12  Max. abs. change = 0.00311  Deviance  = 13280.13                                                                                  
Iter = 13  Max. abs. change = 0.00191  Deviance  = 13280.04                                                                                  
Iter = 14  Max. abs. change = 0.00116  Deviance  = 13279.97                                                                                  
Iter = 15  Max. abs. change = 0.00070  Deviance  = 13279.93                                                                                  
Iter = 16  Max. abs. change = 0.00048  Deviance  = 13279.89                                                                                  
Iter = 17  Max. abs. change = 0.00038  Deviance  = 13279.87                                                                                  
Iter = 18  Max. abs. change = 0.00030  Deviance  = 13279.85                                                                                  
Iter = 19  Max. abs. change = 0.00024  Deviance  = 13279.83                                                                                  
Iter = 20  Max. abs. change = 0.00019  Deviance  = 13279.82                                                                                  
Iter = 21  Max. abs. change = 0.00016  Deviance  = 13279.81                                                                                  
Iter = 22  Max. abs. change = 0.00013  Deviance  = 13279.80                                                                                  
Iter = 23  Max. abs. change = 0.00011  Deviance  = 13279.79                                                                                  
Iter = 24  Max. abs. change = 0.00009  Deviance  = 13279.79                                                                                  
#> $npar
#> [1] 149
#> $`-2LL`
#> [1] 13279.78
#> $AIC
#> [1] 13577.78
#> $BIC
#> [1] 14205.76
#> $CAIC
#> [1] 14354.76
#> [1] 13732.82
#> $M2
#>          M2          df     p.value      RMSEA2 
#> 307.4313228 316.0000000   0.6245266   0.0000000 
#> [1] 0.02965562